
Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse where the perpetrator emotionally manipulates someone, especially those who are weak, powerless, low in self-confidence and self-esteem; creating doubts and questioning their own reality and sanity. People with mental illness are easy targets by such abusers. Some statements used by manipulators:

— “You’re so emotional.”— “Why so defensive all the time?”— “I wouldn’t have done that to you.”— “You’re always twisting things.”— “You’re imagining things.”— “That’s a false accusation.” — “Don’t get upset over nothing.”— “I didn’t mean it like that, obviously.”— “Don’t be so sensitive.” — “You’re so dramatic.”— “You sound so crazy.”— “You’re remembering things wrong.”— “I was just joking.” — “It’s your fault.”— “It’s not a big deal.”— “I didn’t say that.”— “Stop feeling sorry for yourself.”— “Why are you even here if you think I’m so terrible then?”— “I never did that, you’re the one who’s lying.”

Recognize signs of gaslighting and if you are being gaslighted build your self-confidence which will make your self-worth stronger and with a stronger self it gets easier to stand up for oneself and move away from an emotional abuser. Remember it isn’t about you, its about the weakness of the gaslighter, their superiority complex, their need of power, control and most of all their insecurities. It’s NOT your fault. Being a victim of gaslighting can be very traumatic at a deeper psychological level. Victims may struggle with self-doubt, sanity, world view and view of themselves and these can be resolved with therapy and some techniques; giving people the ability to live quality life they deserve.

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