Self-care – It’s never too late to start giving yourself the care you need and deserve

There are moments in life when we may feel like ‘Too Much’. Maybe Too Much to handle emotionally or physically or both, just wanting to switch off and reset our mind and body. There are times when we feel we are dragging ourselves through the day. Let’s face it, we can have painful, hard, difficult, challenging and confusing moments. But we know it’s OK to have such feelings, after all we are humans and not robots.

Maybe it’s time for some self-care and me-time. Maybe it’s time to reset our internal rhythm. Here are some self-care suggestions that could help us bounce back, re-tune and relax ourselves emotionally and physically thus, giving the ability to carry on with a more positive attitude. Of course, this is not an exhaustive list and perhaps you may comment what works for you in such moments.

  1. Breathe deeply, slowly. 4 counts in, six counts out

  2. Hydrate – make sure you have had enough water in the day

  3. Nourish your body with healthy food

  4. Sleep – make sure you have enough sleep and are well rested

  5. Exercise – walk, jog, yoga, whatever helps the body to feel fatigued

  6. Free form in a journal, just write it out

  7. Read your favorite book, spiritual literature or poetry

  8. Hone your creativity skills – draw, paint, color, cook, knit, sow, tend a garden

  9. Feel like watching Netflix all day? Do it. Indulge

  10. Mediate for at least 5 minutes 

  11. Eat your favorite or comforting foods

  12. Watch a sunrise or sunset

  13. Go for nature walks 

  14. Listen to your favorite music

  15. Watch comedy or goofy shows 


Happiness and Success


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